Yearly archives: 2019

Short Hiatus

Hi All, Due to some real world pressures and crazy schedules the podcast is taking a brief break! (The first in many years!) We will return to our regularly scheduled episodes starting in the beginning of November Thanks for your patience!

Geek Of All Trades: Episode 55 – Why not unicorns?

Have you ever asked yourself… Why not unicorns? Neither have we until now, as we are joined by Gamer and self proclaimed unicorn Shelly “Xenorra” in order to discuss the recent excitement around the combined Rush/Geekfest event, as well as upcoming adventures surrounding South Africa’s involvement in the competitive Overwatch scene and the Creators United […]

Geek Of All Trades: Episode 51 – Spooky Spectacular

Ah February, the month of love and slowly recovering Christmas budgets! Which is why of course, we are discussing the spooky and mythical! Being episode (Area) 51, we couldn’t resist bringing in our old friend Vittorio Leonardi, who has recently started his own podcast covering the Unrbane Myths of South Africa Join us as we […]