General News

Short Hiatus

Hi All, Due to some real world pressures and crazy schedules the podcast is taking a brief break! (The first in many years!) We will return to our regularly scheduled episodes starting in the beginning of November Thanks for your patience!

We’ve Found a new home!

Hey there loyal listeners! We’ve found ourselves in a new home in the new great work of geeky confluence known as the Nexus You can listen to all of our shows on the Nexus Podcast page along with all the other podcast content they have (which includes our GeekXP Cousins!) Our Old and future content […]

MEDIEVAL FAYRE 2016 – Great Geek Challenge

Polish up your platemail and dust off your best set of Robes, cause it’s Medieval Fayre time! We’ll be there at Inanda Country Base in Kyalami on the 3rd of September! Here is the Event itself if you’re keen for directions. Of course, We’re going to be running another Great Geek Challenge whilst we’re there, […]

GEEKFEST 2016 – Great Geek Challenge 2

It’s that time of year again folks! Geekfest 2016 is upon us and man have we got a Great Geek Challenge of note lined up for you to remember! What’s a GGC you ask? The GREAT GEEK CHALLENGE is a simple concept. Born from the desire to “cross pollinate” the various geeky pursuits at a […]

WARCON 2015 – Great Geek Challenge Form

This years WARCON Great Geek Challenge form is up! You can get it right here: WARCON 2015 – Great Geek Challenge – Preprint Form <strong>Whats the Great Geek Challenge you ask?</strong> Well it’s a series of challenges or tasks you need to complete when you head on out to a convention or festival. Then, after you’re […]

Mini-Review: Cloudgate Mini PC/Media Center

The other day during our GeekFest Great Geek Challenge, you may have noticed one of our sponsors was a company called Cloudgate. “Cloudgate?” you ask, “is that some kind of newfangled security system?” No dear reader! Whilst it may be interesting to entertain some form of variably permiable cloud barrier as a security measure, this […]

ICON 2015 – Great Geek Challenge Form

This years ICON Great Geek Challenge form is up! You can get it right here: ICON 2015 – Great Geek Challenge Form Whats the Great Geek Challenge you ask? Well it’s a series of challenges or tasks you need to complete when you head on out to a convention or festival. Then, after you’re done, hand in […]

Winner Results – Great Geek Challenge Geekfest 2015 2

What a great day we just had at Geekfest 2015! With an astounding turnout, there were many entries into this years Great Geek Challenge for Geekfest… Many Entries and many winners! Once again, a MASSIVE Special Thanks to our supporters at the festival: Dark Carnival, Cloudgate, ASW-Designs, Plushie Heaven, Powered By Fandom, Mini Donuts, ChipnDip, Mystical Crafts, […]

Great Geek Challenge – GeekFest 2015 5

This years Geekfest Great Geek Challenge form is up! You can get it right here: GEEKFEST 2015 – Great Geek Challenge Form Whats the Great Geek Challenge you ask? Well it’s a series of challenges or tasks you need to complete when you head on out to a convention or festival. Then, after you’re done, hand […]

News: Upgrades all around!

Hey folks, quick spot of news We’ve upgraded our episode feed to feedburner, so you’ll have an overall better experience and we’ll get much better stats on you lot. The old feed will still work for a while, but we’d appreciate it if you’d sub the newer one instead! Subscribe in a reader Also, Itunes […]

We’re alive!

  Welcome to the Geek Of All Trades Podcast Website! Please excuse the construction dust as we wrangle the place into some sort of order! Stay tuned as well and keep an eye on our social media our first episode will be released soon!