
Mini Review: Savage Worlds

Here we are once again folks! Our final review for Alternate RPG January, Savage Worlds!   Initial Thoughts Savage Worlds is a morphic pen-and-paper roleplaying game system birthed from the minds of Pinnacle Entertainment. “Morphic?” you query, what does that even mean? Quite simply it means that every rule, spell, character, monster and weapon can be themed to […]

Mini Review: Iron Kingdoms

Once again, It’s Alternate RPG month here at Geek Of All Trades and we’ve scribbled up an Iron Kingdoms review for you!     INITIAL THOUGHTS Starting off well, the Core Rules book is an impressive 360 pages with excellent production values. The book’s first 100 pages or so provide an overview of the Iron Kingdoms. […]

Mini Review: Eclipse Phase

It’s alternate RPG month here at Geek Of All Trades, so today we have a shiny gem of a Mini-Review for you for an RPG known as Eclipse Phase!   INITIAL THOUGHTS The first thing that caught my eye had nothing to do with the game itself, but rather it’s license: Great Googly Moogly! They […]

Mini Review: The Strange 1

Hi there folks! Continuing our theme of Alternative Roleplaying game January, I’ve decided to collect my thoughts on Monte Cook’s even newer game The Strange Whilst I have not actually played or run a game of The Strange yet, I’ve been interested in this title ever since I discovered its existence. The fact that it […]